Evelina Viola is an artist and musician living in Stockholm with her family. Seven years ago, her artistic journey began when she created a cover for an EP. Originally a musician, she quickly became enchanted by the world of drawing and could not stop. Diagnosed with ADHD two years ago, art has become her refuge and channel for self-expression. Painting is the place where she feels free to be herself, beyond society's expectations. Evelina shares her everyday life, creative process and sources of inspiration - a journey through creativity and self-discovery.
Intervju med Evelina Viola
Can you tell us a little about yourself and your background as an artist? My name is Evelina, I live in Stockholm with my family. Seven years ago I did a cover for an EP, as I am basically a musician. I drew & drew, then I couldn't stop. Went with a wrist brace for a while as I worked extremely unergonomically. All my side jobs have dropped along the way & now I work full time with my small business. Two years ago I received my ADHD diagnosis. So many pieces of the puzzle are falling into place, slowly but surely. I am still in process, & art is my channel. Painting is the place where I can be who I am. No need to fit into the template. It's a struggle, the template screams loudly & to some extent it's right. Sometimes bills actually have to be paid, etc. But let me paint and maybe I can put the puzzle together in the meantime.
What does a typical working day look like for you?
A typical working day looks like this: I get pestered to get up, then I sway around the apartment & forget that I need to take the medicine right away to function better. Well & then I drop kids off at school (maybe, been a bit so & so about it) & THEN I look in my calendar to see what I'm going to do. When I found it, I realized I hadn't written anything in it. So yes, it is a process, this life. After a few too many cups of coffee (yeah I know) I go down to my basement where I have my studio. Then I paint & maybe I'll manage to write an important email to someone. Then I'm so damn tired because I forgot to eat lunch. Gets up & eats something, sleeps for a while & brings the kids home again. Then I nag them to do their homework while at the same time I think about everything I want to paint when I have time. The next day maybe, but then I'll probably have a baby. I can add that I go to an occupational therapist so that it is not as messy as typical working days. Will return with results in the future.
"Then I paint until it gets too dark to see, sometimes I continue anyway. Then there is a big risk that everything is ruined, but it happens that it turns out absolutely fantastic."
How do you usually start when creating a subject for a painting?
Most of the time, it's something that happened in life that makes it felt everywhere. When I draw my illustrative pictures, for example the animals, I often have a plan in advance. However, it usually changes while I'm drawing. I talk to the animals a bit, ask which way they want to look, if they might need a backpack or something. In the summers, I paint outdoors on large papers. Either outside my screwy caravan in Småland or in the Stockholm archipelago. Then I buy colors & paper so that they will last the whole period, which of course they don't. Then I paint until it gets too dark to see, sometimes I continue anyway. Then there is a big risk that everything is ruined, but it happens that it turned out absolutely fantastic. Either way, being in the bubble in the dark is magical.

Are there any particular techniques or tools you prefer when creating your paintings?
I love layer upon layer. To mix everything. Marker, watercolour, pencils & acrylic ink.
Where do you find your inspiration?
Nature, colors, music, things people tell & the chaotic life.
What do you listen to when you paint?
I often listen to P4 Stockholm and documentaries about terrible things happening in the world. But I also listen to music. With lots of bass & synth. I love beautiful sounds, they creep into me & make me cry.
Who is your favorite artist?
Difficult question. I forget the name unfortunately. But all my colleagues & friends who work as hard as myself.
How would you describe your own artistic style?
Sprawling & warm with a red thread. Emotions & calm colors in focus. Humorous & sad at the same time.
Are there any particular elements or themes that you always try to include?
Details, sometimes clear, sometimes not clear. Security & quite often cups of coffee & hugs.
Do you have a favorite among your paintings, if so which one and why?
Morning. It has given me so much. So many people bought it. And I come back to it often because I need to remind myself of what I'm doing. Then I also like almost all my animals because they are my friends.
What advice would you give to young artists who want to immerse themselves in their painting?
Dare to test ideas. Dare to paint. Start small. Don't buy everything at once. Find out why you paint. Try to reconnect to your why those times you get stuck. Remember that you are not your performance. You are you, & you are perfect just the way you are. Even days with ugly paintings.
Morning Poster
Piano Concert Poster
October Poster